Friday, October 28, 2011

Please stop trying to KILL ME!

I went to have a biopsy of my lung on Monday, October 24th. This was due to the results of a CT scan that I had a couple of months ago. During the procedure the doctor punctured my lung and I had to stay in the hospital an extra day to make sure that hole would close up on its on.

Well it did, thank God. I had to stay home from work with the one good boob hurting because they had to go in through my boobie. Why are they trying to kill me?

Get this! They have to do it all over again because the doctor said he did not get enough tissue to determine if it's cancer or not. I know it's not! I think they got enough tissue but did not see any cancer and they just want to play it safe on their end.

I am so horrified to do this again. When he punctured me, it woke me up though I was very groggy. It felt like a knife had gone through my boobie into my lung.

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