Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Missed Appointment

I can't believe I missed my appointment with the plastic surgeon. I was supposed to be there last week instead of this week. And, believe it or not, I had it written down, LOL! I guess most things happen the way they are supposed to.

While I was waiting to see if they could squeeze me in this girl sat across from me and began to strike up a conversation. She began to tell me about her journey and me about mine. We had two doctors in common. She had a double mastectomy, reconstruction and was now coming to this doctor to re-do or make her reconstruction look better. She asked me if I wanted to see her new breast and I said yes. I've always wanted to see what a new pair of boobies look like. We went into the ladies room and she pulled her shirt up. Wow! They really didn't look as good as I expected and one was smaller than the other. Then she asked me if I wanted to touch them (LOL). I did. She said she has silicone in them. They felt like normal breast. Anyway, just wanted to share that story.
I feel good today. I'm in my third week of radiation and I am marking off the days as they pass.

Monday, October 26, 2009


When you post a comment please know that I read them and they really do make a difference. All my tests came back and showed no cancer anywhere in my body. I'm now going into my third week of radiation. I am feeling very tired already. However, sometime I have to push myself. Not so much physically, but more emotionally, mentally and spiritually. I talk to God a lot, read, laugh and love talking to my girlfriends because once I talk to most of them and hear what’s happening in their lives I’m immediately snapped back in to reality, (smile).

Anyway, I think with some women, having to go to radiation five days a week M-F, can in itself be very tiring. I meet with the plastic surgeon tomorrow...I'm looking forward to it.

Monday, October 19, 2009

The Ride is Bumpy...

I started radiation treatment last week. It's just like taking an X-ray. Nothing physical touched your skin but it's a lot of radiation going into one spot. I got a call from my doctor today giving the news about my biopsy. It's negative! Just as I thought it was. The full body scan that they did also showed there is no cancer anywhere in my body.

I meet with my plastic surgeon next week on October 27th to discuss reconstruction. Upon my meeting with him I will know what my outcome for reconstruction may be. I know that everything will turn out for the good, no matter what.

"The ride is bumpy but I'm thankful for the journey."

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Lean not on your own understanding

I had an appointment with my radiologist on September 25, three day before the Ultrasound. He gave me disturbing news. He told me that there is a possibility that I may not be able have a reconstruction because of multiple surgeries and having radiation. I was devastated by this news.

As I told you, after my mammogram on September 14th, the doctor told me that they saw something in my left breast but was not concerned about it. However, I went back on the September 28th for an ultrasound and now they seem concerned. They told me that they see a cist and want to do a biopsy. I was numbed by this news combined with the news from my radiologist.

I began to pray. The spirit kept telling me, "Trust me with all your heart and all your soul. Lean not on your own understanding. Acknowledge me in all your way and I will direct your path." I repeat this scripture everytime I start to waver. I know I will be fine. God always has the last word. I trust him and I am not leaning on my own understanding. Whatever happens, I'm okay because God has my back. My biopsy is scheduled for October 12the the same day I start radiation treatment.