Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Follow - up

My trip to Tampa yesterday was okay. This was my six month follow-up. I had a mammogram and then saw my surgeon for the results and a check-up. They saw a spot in my left breast so I have to go back next Tuesday the 22nd for an ultrasound. The doctor does not seem too worried about this and neither am I.

I have truly learned not to worry about the things that I cannot control. It's kind of hard when you continue to hear or get bad news. However, as long as you live in this world you will face bad news. And, "They" are right..."life is 10% of what happens to you and 90% of how you cope."

Monday, September 14, 2009

I'm so close

Today is September 14th. Last night was kind of rough. As most of you know, chemo is a nice way of saying, "we have to load your body with poison, which kills good and bad cells, in order to hopefully save or prolong your life." I have some side affects which just started affecting me about three weeks ago. I have what you call neuropathy. The best way I can explain it is I get numbness and tingling in my fingertips and my feet. It is more severe in my feet. My feet get so cold at times that I have to wrap a heating pad around them because I feel like they are frost bitten. My muscles also ache sometime, mostly at night, to the point where I have to sit on the edge of my bed and massage them and take a pain pill. I'm so close to end of chemo with only two more treatments to go, but surely not close enough! On the other hand, I know I am still blessed because it really could be a lot worse.

I am on my way to Tampa today for a follow-up appointment with my surgeon. I have not seen her since my surgery on 2-20-09. I’ll keep you posted.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

The days are numbered

Good Afternoon!
Chemo session went well yesterday. Three to go, Yippee! It amazes me that not one week passes without learning abouy another black woman being diagnosed with breast cancer or another woman who has no history of breast cancer in her family. I pray to God constantly to guide me on what good I can contribute to this matter. I want to be an asset in this life and not a liability.

Everything else is wonderful! Keep the prayers going for you and for others.

Love you all