Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Lean not on your own understanding

I had an appointment with my radiologist on September 25, three day before the Ultrasound. He gave me disturbing news. He told me that there is a possibility that I may not be able have a reconstruction because of multiple surgeries and having radiation. I was devastated by this news.

As I told you, after my mammogram on September 14th, the doctor told me that they saw something in my left breast but was not concerned about it. However, I went back on the September 28th for an ultrasound and now they seem concerned. They told me that they see a cist and want to do a biopsy. I was numbed by this news combined with the news from my radiologist.

I began to pray. The spirit kept telling me, "Trust me with all your heart and all your soul. Lean not on your own understanding. Acknowledge me in all your way and I will direct your path." I repeat this scripture everytime I start to waver. I know I will be fine. God always has the last word. I trust him and I am not leaning on my own understanding. Whatever happens, I'm okay because God has my back. My biopsy is scheduled for October 12the the same day I start radiation treatment.

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